Clean smooth bittering and a somewhat inconspicuous citrusy and spicy aroma.
Willamette is a triploid aroma hop with its heritage being primarily derived from English variety Fuggle and Fuggle Tetraploid. It shares this same pedigree with its sister selection, Columbia. When brewed, Willamette features complex spiciness characterized by both herbal, floral and fruity notes.
Originally bred to replace Fuggle, it has excelled in popularity in recent times, particularly among craft brewers and accounts for approximately 20% of all commercially grown hops in the US today.
"Source: - Book available from Kegland here."
Alpha Acid: 5.70%
Beer styles: Ale, Porter, Pale ale
Similar hops: Styrian Golding, Fuggle
Aroma: Fruity, Herbal, Spicy, Floral
Purpose: Bittering
Origin: USA
Crop Year: 2021
Our hops are packed to 25g within or - 3%.