These leafy, 90 cm (3') high plants produce wide, blue-green leaves that are quite tender and have a delicious, mild cabbage-like flavour. It is best to sow this variety in late May. In warm summer areas, a late crop can also be sown.
300 seeds/gram Sow seeds directly outdoors in a sunny site 3mm (1/8") deep and 2.5cm (1") apart in rows spaced 60cm (24") apart. Thin sprouts to 30cm (12") apart. Start harvesting the outside leaves when plants are about 30cm (12") high
Life Cycle: Annual
Propagation: Sow Direct
Days to Emergence: 10
Light: Full Sun
Growth Habit: Bushy
Height: Tall (> 70 cm)
Frost Tolerance: Frost Tender
Days to Harvest: 80
Degree of Difficulty: Easy
Heritage: Open Pollinated